Project subsidized by European Funds
Expert Solutions Sp. z o.o. is carrying out a project subsidized by European Funds, "Development of a prototype of an innovative machine for automatic, precise profiling of steel pipe ends."

Project objectives.
The main objective of the project is to increase the competitiveness and innovation of Expert Solutions sp. z o.o. by increasing its R&D activity. The main objective will be achieved through the implementation of specific objectives, viz:
- Increasing research capacity by hiring research staff,
- Developing a prototype of an innovative machine for precise, automatic profiling of steel pipe ends.
Planned effects
The following results were planned to be achieved:
Number of enterprises receiving subsidies: 1 [unit].
Number of enterprises receiving support: 1 [Unit].
Number of enterprises supported in conducting R&D work: 1 [pcs.]
Number of enterprises supported in the implementation of R&D results: 1 [pcs.]
Number of R&D works performed: 1 [unit].
Number of R&D projects implemented: 1 [unit].
Private investment to complement public support for businesses (grants): 1,680,060.30 PLN
Increase in employment in supported enterprises (FTE): 4
Value of the project
Total project value: 4,375,288.80 PLN
Amount of eligible expenditure: 4,144,125.00 PLN
Contribution of European Funds
Funding amount: 2,695,228.50 PLN