What are the benefits of product configurators at the quoting stage?
More and more companies are investing in developing and implementing dedicated configurators for their products on the market. What makes this sales support tool so popular?

An investment in any new solution, especially one that relates to market contact and sales, must make good business sense. We have collected below the most important arguments pointed out to us by companies that have already decided to implement product configurators.
Argument 1 - time
Time is money. This saying has probably never been as literal as it is today. A customer doesn't want to wait a few days to receive an offer. The sooner we deliver it to him, the better the chances that his enthusiasm for buying will not fade. And it's not just about typical goods bought on the spur of the moment, like perfume or fountain pens.
Often, emotions are also behind the purchase of a new TV or the decision to take a vacation in the tropics - some incident that became the proverbial drop that overflows the jug. For example, after a hot weekend, many customers decide to order air conditioners. If they have to wait two weeks for a quote, their desire to buy may cool down, especially if the hot weather continues during that time.
For our customers, time is also often the most important criterion for choosing a supplier. If competitors can respond more quickly to his needs (and in the case of compiling offers by companies with and without a configurator, the difference can be as much as weeks), he will entrust them with implementation. He may even perceive the need to wait longer than with other suppliers for an offer as a lack of commitment.
So being able to respond quickly to a customer inquiry can give a company a contract opportunity.
Argument 2 - less risk of errors
Unfortunately, errors in calculations for clients are a fairly common occurrence. Especially when a complex product or service, which consists of many elements, is being valued. Elements, which, we should add, also have different variations in size, material of manufacture, source of origin, etc. On top of that, there are also choices related to external factors, such as temperature, place of use or weather phenomena. A vendor preparing a quotation must take into account sometimes hundreds of variables.
If he is assisted by the system, the risk of overlooking or underestimating certain items decreases significantly. The system behind the product configurator firstly draws from updated databases. Second, it is equipped with rules and algorithms that will prevent mistakes and collisions in the selection of items when one selected does not match another. The vendor will receive a message, for example, that the item he has selected is not suitable for the outdoor area where the final product is to stand.
Product configurators reduce the risk of making an incorrect or underestimated offer.
Argument 3 - better performance
Working with the configurator has another advantage - it reduces the risk of post-sale complaints. This is due not only to the aforementioned communication of possible mismatches and shortages by the system. Another reason is that the product configurator is often equipped with a design module, often with 3D visualization. It allows the customer to "see" the final product before purchase and find any areas they would like to change.
What's more - the program can be easily linked to a system that manages logistics and production. When a customer places an order, the purchasing department will automatically get a list of components of the ordered product. This will allow them to quickly check which components are available in stock and which ones need to be ordered. The production department will also receive an analogous message along with the customer-approved design, which will be tasked with putting everything together. In factories working in the Industry 4.0. approach, all this can happen automatically, with minimal human involvement. Machines will receive the design and undertake production.
Product configurators help in fast and error-free production.
The customer's impatience in waiting for his needs to be met is growing. An offer drawn up quickly and flawlessly is an important argument for him in choosing a supplier.