Why did the EXSO team bet on joint expeditions?
Appetite grows as you eat. And... very well! Because this is how our joint corporate adventure began.

A Polish proverb says that in order to get to know someone, you have to eat a barrel of salt with them. I would add - to get to know and trust each other. Going on field trips together is a great opportunity for both. "Today we are no longer the same team as we were just a dozen months ago," - says Marcin Kuczynski, CEO at EXSO - "These several joint trips have strongly influenced the strengthening of ties and deepening of trust in the team. I am also no longer the same boss. I believe more strongly in my people and entrust them with more responsible tasks without fear. I know they won't fail, because I've seen them work under difficult conditions, under fatigue and stress, confronted with unforeseen factors."
EXSO = Exploring the World
Once, about a year and a half ago, at a meeting of our team, someone said: "Hey, why don't we go somewhere together on the weekend?" A few enthusiastic grunts were enough for us to pull the idea and organize our first trip out of town together. Then we went again and again. Today it's the case that when one of us would like to move to the area, we drop the subject at the office and look to see who else would be willing. And someone is always found.
The summer of 2022 has just passed, and it's time for a little recap of our corporate expeditions and what we learned from them.
June - we organized an ascent of Rysy. Small, intimate and very tiring, but also rewarding. Three members of our team from the highest peak in Poland waved to colleagues from the office. It was an important lesson in organization. Contrary to appearances, the hardest part was not climbing those 2501 meters above sea level, but arranging the company's processes in such a way that we could get away from management for those few days.
July - just two weeks after returning from the mountains, we headed in the opposite direction to participate in a sailing adventure organized in the Baltic Sea by ITCorner. During this trip we visited the Finnish Skerries (and saunas...) and several charming harbor towns. Along with the sea wind, new ideas for future projects popped into our heads. Some of them we are already implementing, and these are for the yacht industry!
Today it is so that when one of us would like to move to the field, he throws the topic in the office and looks to see who else will be willing. And someone is always found.
July - almost complete, we set off with our bicycles to the Vine de Sas located by the beautiful Milice Ponds. We learned, integrated, explored the beautiful surroundings. There was also time to do some cooking together and taste the local wines. Calm, unhurried conversations about what is important to us and what drives us.
And in August, five members of our team climbed together the Schrankogel in the Alps, an altitude of 3,497 meters above sea level. We went there together with colleagues and partners from the ITCorner association. An amazing time! Every strenuous step reassured us that together we can reach any goal!
What's next?
Who knows. More challenges lie ahead - both professional and personal. Some planned, others spontaneous. One thing is certain - we want to move together to meet them.